Jamie Fuega - ETR
Ifeoma Udoh - ETR
Luis Ulerio - New Jersey HIV/Housing Collaborative

What does it really mean to develop and implement a "shared measurement system"? This session provides two examples of large-scale HIV/AIDS initiatives to address this often-challenging CI condition. One example will focus on a statewide initiative to support housing access to people living with HIV; the second will center on a multi-state initiative in the US South to address scale up of HIV services. Participants will learn about the nuts and bolts of engaging partners in the need for a shared system; the capacity and learning growth needed to work across multiple partners; and our examples of both routine and complex systems development. We will provide examples of multi partner/multi-level data collection and analysis to support shared measurement and encourage a culture of data use for program improvement.
Learning Objectives:
- To provide perspective on the importance of early, mid-point, and outcome-based evaluation as part of Collective Impact shared measurement systems
- Share and provide concrete examples and experiences of equity centered health collaboratives addressing HIV in their stages of developing "shared measurement systems"
- To provide experiences and examples of evaluation data use for program decision making in CI collaboratives