Full Name
Danika Martinez
Job Title
Opportunity Youth Strategist
Community Center for Education Results
Speaker Bio

Danika Martinez (she/her) spent over 10 years working in postsecondary education navigation, supporting brilliant education advocates and educators, providing reengagement program support, teaching courses in high school to postsecondary transitions, as well as collaborating for education strategy and collective impact. Driven by the power of young people’s stories in education, Danika is interested in investigating how measures of well-being and belonging can be integrated into education systems as indicators of student progress and systems success. She is particularly interested in how strategies that specifically support Black, Latine and Indigenous students of color and educators can inform education policy and structural change. Danika currently works as an Opportunity Youth Strategist for CCER and is PhD student in Urban Education at the CUNY Graduate Center in New York City. Born and raised in an agricultural and majority Latine community in the Yakima Valley, Danika’s family history as migrant farmworkers has deeply impacted her lens for education justice and racial equity work.  

Danika Martinez