Evaluating Equity: New Tools to Measure Racial Equity and Community Engagement in Your Collective Impact Initiative
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Chelsea Chapman Katherine Crockett

Many collective impact initiatives aim to center racial equity and meaningfully engage the community in their work. But how do we define “meaningful community engagement” and “centering racial equity” and how do we evaluate whether we are successfully putting those principles into practice? We will share a suite of new survey tools, developed by the Fresno DRIVE collective impact initiative, to define and measure the key ingredients in our DRIVE Theory of Change, including community engagement and racial equity principles critical to lasting systems change. Using the surveys as a learning tool, our partner organizations participated in a learning community to share successes and identify areas for improvement. CVCF staff researched and developed these surveys, using rigorous research methods, because no similar tools existed. During the session we will share the new surveys (available at and support organizations interested in assessing and fostering accountability for equitable community transformation.

Session Type
Concurrent Tools & Techniques Session
Issue Area
Economic Development
Ground the work in data and context, and target solutions