Corpilares Bol, a Success Case Under the Collective Impact Methodology in Colombia
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM
Yaneth Martínez Pobea Alejandro Mora Alonso

How has the Pilares project intervention, under the Collective Impact methodology, enhanced the empowerment of the people who are part of the network of CSOs that makes up CORPILARES-BOL to strengthen their leadership and achieve autonomy and sustainability in their decision making? Key topics to be discussed:

  • Initial context of the Pilares project - territory.
  • Success of Collective Impact approach as an intervention methodology.
  • Organizational and individual capacity building.
  • Micro-awards success and leverage.
  • Alliances, the pathway to sustainability.
  • Communications, the showcase for local and regional positioning.
  • Success story: Corpilares won a contest for USD 24,000 with the Public University in Colombia.
Session Type
Concurrent Short Talks
Shift power within the collaborative