The Relational Work of Transforming Power Dynamics
Date & Time
Thursday, May 2, 2024, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Juanita Zerda - Collective Change Lab
Miriam Karamoko - Community Center for Education Results
Resson Kantai Duff - Maliasili
Salvador Lopez - K-Connect
Miriam Karamoko - Community Center for Education Results
Resson Kantai Duff - Maliasili
Salvador Lopez - K-Connect

Join the Collective Change Lab to deepen our understanding of collective and emergent approaches to transforming power dynamics. We will use the power of systems storytelling as we do collective sense-making around articulating the value of relational work and its contribution to creating and nurturing the will to change power in diverse collectives. We will explore practices and skills to cultivate our leadership capacities to embrace a relational approach to collective power. We believe that for power dynamics to really change in ways that shift systems towards equity and justice, we not only need to shift the traditional corridors of power, but we also need to attend to how we understand what power is in the first place, what values seed it and most notably how it is exercised. Power is not only a “what” and a “who” how but, more importantly, a “how” and a “why”. When a diverse community exercises and feels a more balanced sense of agency and influence towards shared values, then power ceases to be fragmented and conflictive; power becomes collective.
Session Type
Concurrent How To Session
Shift power within the collaborative