The Power of Data: Understanding the Landscape of Arts Education with Any Given Child
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 26, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Using data to evaluate, learn, and improve are core elements of collective impact. In this presentation, Jeanette McCune from the John F. Kennedy Center will share how the Any Given Child Collective Impact Initiative has transformed arts education across the country, and how communities are accessing and measuring equitable arts education. Lucy Chen from the Cathedral Arts Project will present a case study on Jacksonville Any Given Child community, illustrating how data has been a powerful tool for community impact and its use to formulate a strong case in the recent passing of the millage referendum in Duval County. You will leave with concrete examples of what this work with data has looked like in communities, and ideas for how to be more intentional in using data in your own work.
Session Type
Concurrent How To Session
Issue Area
Arts & Culture