Elba Gonzalez-Mares, Executive Director, employed by the Community Health Initiative Napa County as one of the first certified application assistants in her community twelve years ago. She has a deep understanding and knowledge of health insurance and access to health care in both the public sector and private markets. She is trained and licensed as an insurance broker in California. She graduated from the University of California in Davis in 2005 with a degree in International Relations. Elba has excellent rapport and credibility with diverse demographic groups as well as with professionals in the community. She is chair of the Board of California Coverage and Health Initiatives, a Commissioner and chair with First 5 Napa’s Children and Family Commission. She is also board secretary of Napa Valley Community Foundation Board and recently joined the California State Association of Counties Finance Corporation board. In 2016 was elected on the Napa Valley Unified School Board of Trustees. She has contributed to the development of a shared vision of the importance and opportunity for affordable health coverage for all low-income children, adults and families in her community of Napa County and California. Her collaborative style of working has forged relationships between CHI and other community providers and government departments, advancing our mutual goal of making health coverage affordable and accessible to Napa County’s children, adults, and families.