Plenary Session: The Role of Narrative Change in Collective Action
Date & Time
Wednesday, April 28, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM
Nayantara Sen - Real Food Real Stories
Rashad Robinson - Color of Change
Crystal Echo Hawk - IllumiNative
Melody Barnes - Chair, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions
Troy Osaki - Filipino Japanese poet, community organizer, and attorney
Rashad Robinson - Color of Change
Crystal Echo Hawk - IllumiNative
Melody Barnes - Chair, Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions
Troy Osaki - Filipino Japanese poet, community organizer, and attorney

Join this dynamic panel for a conversation on the importance of narrative in collective social change efforts. Questions discussed include: What does it mean to shift the narrative? Can you have effective and long-lasting societal change without narrative change? Whose narrative should be centered? How to ensure that all voices are included in the narrative? What is the danger of not including all stories and voices in this work?
Opening Performance by Troy Osaki
Session Type
Plenary Session