Full Name
Gabriel Gutierrez
Job Title
Creative Jobs Collective Impact Initiative Campaigns Manager
Arts For L.A.
Speaker Bio

Originally from Chicago, IL – Gabriel Gutierrez is an adult adoptee, first generation street dance artist, founder of MoFundamentals, and artivist dedicated to highlighting the resiliency of the foster and adoptee community. His work centers on elevating narratives and lived experience of artists and culture bearers in Los Angeles who belong to the: street dance, houseless, former foster, and adoptee communities. Gabriel brings important ancestral practices from his P’urhépecha lineage into his artist + advocacy work.

Across 10 years, his contributions at the intersection of dance artivism, healing practices, and foster youth advocacy have led to: hosting the first foster youth dance festival in the U.S., representing LA City District 1 as an ACTIVATE Cultural Policy Fellow, recruitment to pilot a re-entry through performing arts program, and being a 2022 DanceUSA Fellow to continue cultivating opportunities for the next generation of foster and adoptee artists.

Gabriel Gutierrez