Full Name
Allyson Martinez
Job Title
Speaker Bio

Allyson is native Brooklynite, received her B.A. in English and American Literature from Brown University and a J.D. from The George Washington University Law School. Allyson is Co-Founder of Brooklyn Level Up (“BKLVLUP”), a 501(c)(3) non-profit community development corporation, maximizing BIPOC entrepreneurs' access to small business resources through its BKLVLUP Entrepreneurship Collective and through its BKLVLUP Community Land Trust, seeking to build affordable residential, commercial and communal spaces in Flatbush, East Flatbush, and Flatlands, Brooklyn. Allyson is a practicing start-up business law attorney and licensed real estate broker on the Dima Lysius Team at the Corcoran Group. Allyson is also Co-President of Diversity Decoded, a network of professionals with demonstrated expertise and proven results in implementing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). Allyson is focused on community wealth development in BIPOC communities. She is a Co-Founder and Co-Trustee of the Flatbush African Burial Ground Coalition that seeks to preserve the sacred ancestral burial ground of enslaved Africans found in Flatbush, Brooklyn. She is also a Wyckoff Farmhouse Museum Advisory Board Member, and former Brooklyn Community Board 17 Land Use Committee Co-Chair. Ultimately, her passion is finding ways to help her community to thrive by building networks, leveraging creativity, increasing knowledge, as well as fusing art and technology in the process of community-visioning.

Allyson Martinez