Jacob A. Ntiamoah is a development planner by profession. Jacob is currently the Regional Development Planning Officer for the Ahafo Region and Coordinator of the Ahafo Regional Integrated WASH Programme. The WASH Programme which is a district-based approach for universal WASH services is being pursued through collaboration with key governmental stakeholders (district, regional, national) in partnership with NGOs to drive access to water and sanitation services to achieve universal WASH coverage. The Regional Integrated Programme is a replication of the district WASH system approach in the Ahafo Region of Ghana aimed at providing universal access to WASH services for 600,000 people across the region by 2030. He has vast experience in development planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, budgeting and financial management, Public Financial Management (PFM), project development, capacity building, financial literacy training and environmental and social impact assessment and Knowledge Management, a team player and a transformational leader. He has worked in various capacities as an environmental Officer of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Development Planning Officer, a consultant for UNDP, Emerging Markets Group (London) and Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly Citywide Settlement Upgrading Fund (STMA-CSUF), Municipal Finance and Governance Specialists for USAID RING Project (A project Managed By Global Communities with focus on Nutrition Sensitive.Agriculture and WASH) as well as key member of various project implementation teams. Some of these projects are Community Based Rural Development Project, Urban Poverty Reduction Project, Ghana Urban Management Pilot Project (Sponsored by AFD), Urban Environmental Sanitation Project (Urban IV phase ll) and African Urban Poverty Reduction Project. He was a team member of the National Working Group on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation and a special five-member team for compilation of National guidelines for the utilisation of HIV and AIDS component of District Assemblies Common Fund.