Full Name
Tuihana Ohia
Job Title
Centre for Social Impact
Speaker Bio

Ngāi te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Te Arawa, Ngāi Pākehā. Tuihana brings a wellbeing perspective and expertise to project management, programme design, capacity building, strategy development and relationship building. Tuihana’s passion for nurturing wellbeing leaders and growing wellbeing within communities and corporate spaces led her to create Rāngai – The Wellbeing Collective. This provides a space for those with an interest in wellbeing to meet, exchange knowledge, creativity and support innovation. She is also the founder Woo Table Kōrero, a community-based initiative that brings people together to hear from their community superstars. Tuihana is also a Centre for Social Impact associate.

Tuihana Ohia