Listening and Leaning In: How to Assess and Act on the Needs of Your Collective
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Krista Morales

How can a network organization employ a needs assessment as a technique to listen to its community members and act to achieve its collective impact initiatives? Learn how a research-practice organization plans to align its research initiatives and offerings with the realities of teacher professional learning. Study their robust needs assessment, which included a comprehensive survey and differentiated interview protocols. Follow their journey to be responsive to the needs of their network while using their findings to inform their future organizational goals and strategy. Finally, you’ll identify the components that make up a substantial needs assessment survey and learn how to adapt the needs assessment process for your collective impact initiatives.

Session Type
Concurrent Tools & Techniques Session
Issue Area
Education and Youth
Listen to and act with community