Affordable housing is one of the most influential factors impacting an individual’s health and long-term economic wellbeing. Yet today, the homeownership gap between Black and White families is now the widest it has been in more than 60 years. How can we address this crisis? Habitat for Humanity has mobilized its nationwide network of affiliates and partnered with diverse organizations across the country, including Race Forward, to address systemic racism and launch The Advancing Black Homeownership Initiative (ABHI). This Collective Impact Initiative is having a significant impact on advancing systems change and community-led activism to impact transformational societal change. This session will address questions such as: A) How can organizations and communities work together to address decades of systemic barriers to advance Black homeownership? B) How do organizations overcome community divisiveness over issues relating to race and fair access to affordable housing nationwide? C) What are the biggest challenges that have faced the ABHI initiative since its launch and how have they been overcome to impact collective, sustainable change?