Hope Williams-Burt - Bay Area, CA Proof Point Community
Elizabeth Erickson - Duke Children's
Monica Beltran - WK Kellogg Foundation

In this session, participants will walk away with (1) concrete examples of power-sharing at multiple levels (community, healthcare systems, and philanthropy), including the obstacles and challenges to doing this well; and (2) practical tools to start or continue their own power sharing journey. This session will be grounded in the experiences of Pediatrics Supporting Parents (PSP), a multi-year initiative seeking to transform pediatric well-child care to support children’s social and emotional development and strengthen early relational health. The session will speak to PSP’s ambitious goal and approach toward transforming healthcare by centering parents, families, and clinicians to partner in systems change. The session will offer examples and practical information about the obstacles faced by families, clinicians, and funders and how they have individually, and collectively, addressed challenges impeding effective power-sharing and trust-based philanthropy.