Change Starts From Within

Personal transformation is the heart of lasting social change

I am an executive leadership & transformational life coach and consultant to changemakers and leaders catalyzing social impact in the organizations and communities they serve.

Hi, I’m Ruchi

I’m a leadership & life coach, social impact strategist, and facilitator who supports leaders and organizations to build and sustain thriving cultures and communities.

I work with Changemakers committed to creating the conditions for change and impact in the world around them. Those who are at a moment of transition and are seeking a more aligned and integrated way to live and be. Those who are curious to explore a deeper awareness of themselves and their journeys.

Times of transition are fraught with uncertainty. It can feel like the ground is slipping away from beneath you and it is hard to distinguish opportunities from barriers. We often question ourselves – our identity, path, choices, and value – and begin to wonder if all of our life’s work, investment, and energy has any meaning, any lasting value. Particularly when we are up against systems rooted in injustice and ‘othering’. Systems designed to work against us and our communities. Systems resistant to radical social transformation, allowing only incremental changes on the margins. 

I see you. Changemakers working to break down barriers, change norms, and live out values of love and care. Leaders who work in lonely spots, pulled in multiple directions, often without space to be open and candid, to nurture your own skills. Craving a deeper sense of community and belonging. Living a fragmented life of juggling and balancing, serving and caring for others, and too often losing yourself in the process. Struggling with feeling like your choices are limited & limiting. Wondering if your life goals are still aligned with your truest, most authentic self — and what got lost along the way. Knowing your life is full of purpose and meaning, but not certain what that still is.

I can help. I offer executive leadership & transformational life coaching and consulting so:

  • Changemakers live a more authentic, aligned & integrated life through exploration of values, identification of limiting beliefs, deepened inquiry of life purpose & goals, and a mindset of abundance & possibility so they can live a life of purpose, peace, and ease and never again question their value or worth.

  • Organizations transform culture, processes and practices to address systemic barriers to a just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive (JEDI) world through inquiry rooted in love, compassion, and wonder.

Does this sound like you? Check out my services and learn more about me!

Your heart is the size of an ocean. Go find yourself in its hidden depths.

- Rumi