Emanuel “Boo Milton” is a strategist and creative who finds gaps and opportunities for development in social conditions. Boo leverages his extensive knowledge of communications and marketing from his term as a radio personality with a #1 Neilson reported show and as a graduate of UL Lafayette in Music Business to engage community in meaningful ways. Using his public image and voice to connect the public with key resources to thrive, Emanuel shifted his entertainment work to building out immediate and sustainable strategies to provide relief and support to communities. This was the start of his company Cure with Love Strategies, that consults and provides solutions for social impact and community engagement. Since its start in 2020, Cure with Love has distributed over 3,000 physical units of social emotional learning kits, connected nearly 100 youth with glasses and equitable access to healthcare, developed a conflict resolution course used in schools and juvenile detention centers, and advised multiple leaders in nonprofits, government, and youth services in effective impact. Boo currently sits as an Advisory Board Member for Cities United, an organization that assists mayors across the country with public safety strategy. Boo Milton has been highlighted and recognized by the Obama Foundation, America’s Promise Alliance, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, The Global Business Coalition for Education and local media outlets.