As a bilingual, bicultural, bisexual millennial, Rosemary holds the themes of equity and social justice close to her heart. Her identities and experiences working in the nonprofit sector have inspired her to catalyze and support revolutionary acts. The child of a Cuban immigrant, Rosemary uses the term “revolutionary” in a sincere and delicate way that honors both the loud, violent revolutions of the past and present, along with the stories of revolution and resistance that occur quietly, on a daily basis. Rosemary founded Cross Movement Social Justice Consulting in 2010 to advance social change. She has devoted her work and studies to promoting social justice through capacity and cross movement alliance building projects. In this role she has organized, designed, and facilitated educational events, workshops, trainings, and consulting engagements for an extensive portfolio of clients. Rosemary has worked with charitable organizations, philanthropic communities, social justice movements, youth, and social entrepreneurs. Serving as a racial healing practitioner and the Coordinator for the Battle Creek Coalition for Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation invigorates her commitment to co-liberation and justice. She currently serves on the board of MI Poder, a statewide Latinx-led 501(c)4 in Michigan. In May 2022 she became a fellow in the inaugural cohort of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Culture of Health Leadership Institute for Racial Healing. She is delighted to be a Capacity Coach with the LeadersTrust and is currently working with the Hispanic Access Foundation headquartered in Washington D.C., El Centro de Igualdad y Derechos in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the English Learners Success Forum headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and the Latina Coalition of Silicon Valley in San Jose, California. Rosemary holds a Master of Public Administration in nonprofit and public management from New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service and a Bachelor of Arts from Antioch College. Fluent in English and Spanish, Rosemary has worked in Michigan, New York, Ohio, Miami, Quito, and Guadalajara. She lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan with her family, where she and her partner are co-launching a local meat harvesting and processing business. As a queer, Latina, cisgender woman, Rosemary acknowledges her white and heterosexual privilege. Because the personal is political, she has committed to this professional trajectory, in part for her own self-determination and because of her recognition that liberation from all forms of oppression is inextricably linked.