Sonia Brubaker - City of Miami
Amy Knowles - City of Miami Beach
Jim Murley - Miami-Dade County

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Miami-Dade County is the most populated county within the State of Florida and the seventh most populated county in the United States. It has an average density of 1,464 persons per square mile with an approximate population of 2.7 million residents across 34 different municipalities and unincorporated areas. Additionally, Miami-Dade attracts more than 24 million visitors per year. And together, we face a multitude of natural disasters—hurricanes, tropical storms, extreme heat, tornadoes, wildfires, and floods.
In this session, participants will learn about the Resilient 305 strategy - Greater Miami's innovative approach to collective resilience planning. We'll also address how intergovernmental and community collaborations are supercharging resilience efforts. We’ll discuss the process of implementing an equitable community-informed strategy, including outreach, communications, collective feedback, and community buy-in. Participants will learn strategies to ensure meaningful, informed, and effective public participation in decision-making.