StriveTogether framework for change helps local organizations develop civic infrastructure to meet the unique needs of the community. To measure progress, this approach has five progressive gateways that provide milestones and benchmarks for communities to meet to provide equitable outcomes for children and families. In StriveTogether's framework, Systems Transformation is the highest possible designation, and it recognizes that the community is creating lasting change across the four main pillars of work: shared community vision, evidence-based decision making, collaborative action, and investment and sustainability. The work is rigorously measured and must meet the highest possible standards of change. In this session, StriveTogether and E3 Alliance will share insights and lessons that have helped move the community from systems change to systems transformation. As an early pioneer of StriveTogether's collaborative improvement, E3 Alliance was invested resources into the most effective strategies for increasing kindergarten readiness among preschoolers living in poverty. Since 2015-2016, they have impacted over 1.1 million students and helped transform multiple low-performing schools to leading campuses with statewide distinctions.