Cultivating Catalytic Partnerships to Drive & Sustain Collective Impact Efforts
Date & Time
Tuesday, April 25, 2023, 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Key Questions:
-How might we assess the existing relationship dynamics among the key stakeholders involved in driving our change efforts?
-What steps might we take to strengthen the relationships between individuals and within the collective?
As backbone leaders, we often focus on the management aspects of driving change such as meeting facilitation, accountability, communication and even funding. And while ensuring sound systems and practices are essential, we cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that systems change is also deeply relational work. Our session is designed to help CI leaders (especially those operating in a backbone capacity) to think strategically about the people and relationships that already exist within their current context and create plans for how to nurture and leverage those relationships in service of the work.
Session Type
Concurrent How To Session