Rahwa Ghirmatzion - PUSH Buffalo
Tatewin Means - Thunder Valley Community Development Corporation
Dallas Nelson - Thunder Valley
Curtis Lovell - Artist
A growing number of organizations are already addressing the climate crisis through solutions that go beyond reducing emissions to transform the health, economic, and social outcomes in their communities. This is good news for those working in more traditional social services like affordable housing, healthcare, and education who feel overwhelmed by the climate crisis even as its impacts can no longer be ignored. But how can we connect our solutions and shift dominant worldviews that separate us from each other and mother earth?
During this session, we will hear from two of the most innovative models for whole-systems solutions – in the post-industrial city of Buffalo, NY and the Pine Ridge Reservation of the sovereign nation of the Oglala Lakota people. Attendees will leave with hope and a practical understanding of (1) the values that keep relationships central to collective impact, (2) the importance of land-treaties and land-trusts, and (3) the possibilities for transformation when community self-determination and stewardship are the norm.