Melody Barnes - MB² Solutions/ Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions and Opportunity Youth Forum
Miya Cain - FSG

Note: this session will be live only, and will not be recorded.
As we move towards the next “normal”—whatever that may be—how do we re-gather together? How can organizations and collaboratives be intentional and develop a hybrid culture for their work, meetings, and events that equitably engages those joining from a variety of locations? How can we authentically and creatively build connection among colleagues, partners, or community members who have never met in real life? How do we ease the apprehension? In this fireside chat with the Aspen Forum for Community for Solutions' Chair Melody Barnes, Priya Parker will answer important questions on how to rethink and rebuild a post-pandemic approach to gathering.
Priya Parker is a leading facilitator, strategic advisor, acclaimed author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters, and executive producer and host of the New York Times podcast, Together Apart.
Note: this session will be live only, and will not be recorded.